Story Time with Miss Connie #1

Story time with Miss Connie

Hello! I’m was amazed at the number of people who tuned in to watch my Winnie-the-Pooh story time (The Burning Hearth May 2021). Thank you to all who did. Because of you, I have decided to begin a post titled Story Time with Miss Connie (as I was known to all of my dance students).

I have been reading stories to children for years. When I opened my dance studio, I stocked a bookcase full of dance themed picture books. Once a month, I would read a story to my younger students at the end of class; and always, since it was a library, these books were available for them to check out. When I closed my studio in 2011, I gave the books away to my students. It warmed my heart knowing so many books, full of so many memories, traveled away from the studio and into the homes of children who had come to mean so much to me.

I have enjoyed reading to my daughter most of all; and now I’m sharing stories with children through making these videos with my daughter, the puppeteer of stuffies and homemade characters who come in and out of the camera. I don’t know how often I will post, but knowing me, it will probably be once a month.

This month, I read Leo Lionni’s book Fish Is Fish. It’s a wonderful story about friendship, differences, similarities, and the bounty we discover upon accepting our limitations.

Leo Lionni’s Fish Is Fish read by Miss Connie

Thank you for watching. See you next month!

Story time with Miss Connie

2 thoughts on “Story Time with Miss Connie #1

  1. Props to the puppeteer! Another great reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love my puppeteer! She’s going to shine in our next story time.


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